
Drop Anchors


A trialist or new prospect comes in for their session, you have a great chat, they seem like a great fit and they are excited to talk to you. They go in and have an

amazing session, they are buzzing, you can’t wait to continue the conversation, and then... THEY VANISH! They left out of another door, they snook out during the cool down, you were talking to another member and missed them. It could be any number of reasons and it’s probably totally unintentional on their part, but missing these golden post-workout interactions, when barriers are down and endorphins are at their highest, is killing your conversion rates!


One of the most effective tactics you can build into your sales process, is engineer reasons for your prospects or triallists to come back after their workout. These ‘reasons’ are known as ‘Anchors’, and usually come in one of the three forms…

Something you can KEEP for them...

Such as valuables, bags, coats etc. We have even seen people hold on to ID cards or Drivers Licence to complete the registration process during the class so they have to come back and collect them. On it’s own, this can result in a rather transactional exchange, but very effective at stopping the dreaded disappearing act!

Something you can GIVE them...

Offer some value! You can get creative here, so set some time aside to brainstorm what could work best for you. But, if you want to start with a tried and tested idea, our favourite is a Protein Shake on the house – Not only something desirable in that moment, but this usually means you can stand there and chat for a few minutes while they drink it. Our recommended Loyalty Card system can also work well here, ask us for more details.

Something you can TELL them...

This could be an offer or an element of your service you know they want to know more about. You can also improvise and pick up on things they ask about that you can hold back for later. Eg: Café recommendations for someone who’s just moved to the area. For best results, try to come up with a combination of all three. It might take a while to try a few ideas out before you find the winning combination, but getting this nailed will mean increased touch-points and higher engagement levels!



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