
Loyalty cards and stamp systems

Since the 1700’s, retailers have been using loyalty cards and points systems to encourage repeat custom and increased


Earned Value: Humans place more value on rewards that we have worked hard to earn. Offering your customer a chance to earn a membership offer (for example) will feel more valuable that just giving it away.

Gamification: People are more likely to participate in things that seem fun. Adding a scoring system can add an extra motivator in the times they need it most.

Checklist Satisfaction: We all love to tick things off a list. Collecting physical stamps or checks as your trialist trains will add to their sense of achievement and satisfaction.


✓ A practical tool to embed a consistent sales process within the team

✓ Encourages more commercial, membership based conversations

✓ Helps the team know where the customers is within their intro without having to remember or check systems

✓ Creates the habit of getting future checkpoints locked in the diary on day 1

✓ Provides a natural ‘Anchor’ to bring the customer back to the front desk after class

✓ Can provide an easy way to highlight a checklist of upsells or extra value.

✓ Can help you and your team effectively position the ‘Day 1 Offer’ 


Lock In Key Dates / Check-Ins:

Having a space to log planned progress meetings or check-ins will act both as a constant visual reminder for the customer, and a physical prompt for you and your team to get these dates locked in from day 1.

TIP: As you / your team sets check-in dates with your customer, ask them

to verbally to commit to what number session they will be attending on that day.

Bridging Incentive: including an incentive like a ‘Bring a Friend Pass’ can help to combat potential drop off at key points.

Additional Value Checklist: Use a simple checklist to highlight some extra value they can ‘tick off’, that will enhance their experience.

Earn The Joining Offer: The best advice here: make it simple and achievable! Every time your triallist attends a session, they come to the desk to get a stamp. If they complete XX sessions within their intro period, they unlock your Joining Offer.

Eg: “Attend 10 sessions / collect 10 stamps during your 21 day intro and unlock £100 off your membership for the first month.” Framing your Joining Offer this way provides a useful basis to position your DAY ONE OFFER by simply making the same offer available on Day One. 

If you haven’t done so yet, check out our resource on PLANTING THE DAY ONE OFFER for more on this. 

Present BEFORE Their First Session: Asking your new triallist to arrive at least 15 mins before their first session should already be a non-negotiable part of your process. 

Using this time BEFORE the session to explain how the loyalty card works and to frame any offers or incentives, means this information, especially any time related offers such as the DAY ONE OFFER will have time to incubate and grow throughout their first experience with you.


“Here’s your loyalty card to help you get the most out of your experience and enable you to earn a discount on your membership when you join. There are also a few cool extras we want you to experience and tick off during your intro to get the full experience, these are XXXX.

There are two dates and times we need to agree now, where we will catch up again to discuss your progress. The first one is in around XX days, this would be a Sunday, could you do lunchtime 12:30pm?

Ok great, you need to get here at 12:15 and I’d like you to commit to this date being for session number 5 at least.

On session 5 you get to bring a friend along with you so think about who you might want to invite to this session.

The second progress meeting will be when your intro ends on XX/XX (date), that’s a Wednesday, shall we go for the 8:30 session same as today?

Ok great, you need to get here at 8:15 and this will be for session number 10 so, trust me, you’re gonna feel like a brand new person by this date!

The way this card works is really simple, you need to come back here after every workout to get a stamp, if you make it to XX sessions you will unlock XX off your first month when you move onto becoming a member.

... HOWEVER. We know what we do here is a bit different and some people just know on DAY ONE that it’s right for them. These people end up being our most committed members and get the best results.

If this is you, we don’t want to stand in your way. You can unlock this same discount if you join TODAY, but this offer expires at midnight tonight.

Go and enjoy the workout, think about it, and I'll have a protein shake on the house waiting for you when you finish.”

Guidelines for different offers


You’re reading this and feel like this could be the piece of the puzzle you and your team have been missing, then let us know and we would be happy design a Loyalty Card for you and help implement system alongside the campaign we are running. 

Here’s what we will need from you:

1. Logos, Colours & Fonts – so we can nail your Loyalty Card design.

2. Current/Intended Front End Offer - so we can tailor your Loyalty Card design correctly

3. Bridging Incentive - eg: ‘Bring a Friend’

4. Additional Value Checklist Items – eg: ‘Tried A Smoothie’ (minimum x 2 / maximum x 5)



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